Patricia Frances Renee' is a trendy and Luxe Accessory and Clothing Designer. She started her design career in late August 2006 after her grandmother died after taking care of her for over 6 years. The desire for design did not cross her mind until then. In late October 2009, she began her studies in Fashion Marketing and Design at AIU-Atlanta. During her design career she fell in love with handbag design and sought out to master it. She then began growing into sturdy undergarments and all aspects of the Woman's wardrobe. Even in her beginning stages of mastering the art of design she has obtained many accolades from top fashion buyers and people in the industry. Her goal now, is to build her brand and feature in top magazines, on celebrity shows, and sell in Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, Macy's, and Saks. The development of her design Fashion House; The Lade'Cree Company Facility will be her next venture.